Satisfaction Guarantee

All of our products here at BuyMeShop are covered by a 7-day Money Back Guarantee. Every product that you purchase from BuyMeShop must meet your expectations. If you're not satisfied in any way or form, you can simply return it to us within 7 days from receiving your item and receive a prompt refund of your money or a replacement.

We believe you will be absolutely overjoyed with your products. We deal with suppliers who have been in the business for a long time, and are passionate about creating their products, just as we are offering them. When choosing our products we carefully select from only the best manufacturers and we ensure that they are not only affordable, but remarkably worth it, lasting a lifetime. Using only the highest quality products we are sure that you will be beyond satisfied with your purchase.

In the case that you are not however satisfied, we are more than happy to offer your money back or replace your item, so long as it is compliant of our 7-day money back guarantee policy. All that we ask is that you return the product within 7 days of receipt, in the same condition it was received, and in the original packaging.

We want you to feel safe shopping with us. As we know sometimes you can change your mind on a purchase, we also offer a 7-day change of mind. If for some reason you change your mind about your product, you can return it to us for your money back. To comply with our 7-day change of mind policy, you simply need to return the item in the same condition it was received, within 7 days of receiving, and in the original packaging.

For more information on our 7-day money back guarantee and our 7-day change of mind policy please see our return policy here.

*Exclusions and Terms and Conditons apply. Please see our return policy for more details.

To organise a return, simply get in contact with us on our contact page and we will take care of you.